Arizona van de Romerweide (Petname Phoenix)
Arizona van de Romerweide is a black and gold daughter of Destin van de Romerweide. She was born on 27th of March 2011. She is a very enthousiastic, friendly bitch, who approaches all dogs friendly, but understands doglanguage perfectly. When she is not desired, she will go away. Towards people she is also very open en enthousiastic.
Arizona van de Romerweide, is trained as trackingdog. She also does obedience and breitensport and I train her in bitework.
She passed her MAG-test at 21st April 2013 with flying colours. At 11th of May she passed her Begleithundprüfung in Germany. In 2014 she passed her behavioural test with the Hovawart Rasvereniging Nederland without any problem. She has a hipscore A and the ECVO eyetest shows no problems. In 2015 Arizona had the N-litter. Father of the N-litter is Bendix vom Tüfelsland. In June 2017 Arizona gave birth to her second litter, the J-litter van de Romerweide. Father of this litter is Air Force Bohaemic.