Ursine van de Romerweide


04-10-2007    †  05-03-2021

Rhea, as Ursine was called, has been living with us for almost the complete first year. She couldn't go to UK because of the importrules. Rhea belonged to Val and Steve. They loved to import a hovawart and hoped to breed from her in future. Rhea stayed until september 2008 with us. I can still very well remember when we brought her to Steve and Val. It was so hard to leave again for home without Rhea. But I never regretted it. She found a super home.

Val and Steve have bred from her and kept a daughter from her first litter. They bred from her also and kept again a daughter, so a granddaughter of Rhea. Val has been doing agility and showing with Rhea. Rhea showed herself excellent. But most important is, she was a great familymember. She had a great life with Steve, Val, Flynn, Chale and Taska. We have visited her several times and a good friendship remained.

Rhea, thank you for the friendship. Val and Steve, thank you for everything!!!